Market Week Fall 2009 – Amsale Aberra

Back in 1985, Amsale Aberra was a bride in search of a dress. She wanted something simple, modern, understated and elegant. Unfortunately, like many brides before her, all the pieces she found were the typically overdone gowns more suited to a stage performer than a bride. Unlike most other brides, however, Amsale was not going to settle.

story and photos by Sandy Ramirez

Back in 1985, Amsale Aberra was a bride in search of a dress. She wanted something simple, modern, understated and elegant. Unfortunately, like many brides before her, all the pieces she found were the typically overdone gowns more suited to a stage performer than a bride. Unlike most other brides, however, Amsale was not going to settle. She was determined to rectify the situation. One classified advert, a sketchbook, and a few seamstresses later, Amsale succeeded. Continue reading “Market Week Fall 2009 – Amsale Aberra”