Helen Yarmak – Fall 2010 Collection – New York

Known for producing luxury outerwear, Yarmak gives traditional luxury pieces a modern edge by adding cosmetic distractions such as crystal embellishments on a capped sleeve coat or an exaggerated pink zipper on an orange dyed cropped fur coat. The result is a fun cotton candy vibe for otherwise antiquated garments.

story by Rachel Francois and Charles Beckwith
photos by Sandy Ramirez
photo editing by Tatyana Bevs

Put simply, the inspiration for Helen Yarmak’s latest collection was, as the designer said, “happy people.” Known for producing luxury outerwear, Yarmak gives traditional luxury pieces a modern edge by adding cosmetic distractions such as crystal embellishments on a capped sleeve coat or an exaggerated pink zipper on an orange dyed cropped fur coat. The result is a fun cotton candy vibe for otherwise antiquated garments. Continue reading “Helen Yarmak – Fall 2010 Collection – New York”