Mandy Coon – Spring 2011 – New York

In just her third season as a designer, Mandy Coon presented quite a collection for Spring 2011. A graceful blue shimmering water projection added movement behind the ethereal models. Makeup was minimal save for a bluish highlighter, and laurel-braided hair was reminiscent of ancient Greek idols. Ms. Coon’s collection featured textiles of sheer silk, linen, leather and burlap. Unlikely combinations indeed, but somehow she made it work.

story by Rachel Gill
photos by Freda Henry

In just her third season as a designer, Mandy Coon presented quite a collection for Spring 2011. A graceful blue shimmering water projection added movement behind the ethereal models. Makeup was minimal save for a bluish highlighter, and laurel-braided hair was reminiscent of ancient Greek idols. Ms. Coon’s collection featured textiles of sheer silk, linen, leather and burlap. Unlikely combinations indeed, but somehow she made it work. Continue reading “Mandy Coon – Spring 2011 – New York”

Bora Aksu – Fall 2010 – London

One of the decisions that often needs to be made when evaluating fashion is, is what is being seen a gimmick or is it actually working in the design, helping it to achieve the look and feel that the designer was attempting to achieve? This often occurs with seemingly extraneous elements, ribbons, edging, adornments, or conspicuous work with extra fabric. Sure it catches the eye, but does it help the design? Bora Asku’s Fall 2010 collection forced viewers to make that determination again and again.

story by Seth Friedermann
photos by Boris Marberg
photo editing by Freda Henry

One of the decisions that often needs to be made when evaluating fashion is, is what is being seen a gimmick or is it actually working in the design, helping it to achieve the look and feel that the designer was attempting to achieve? This often occurs with seemingly extraneous elements, ribbons, edging, adornments, or conspicuous work with extra fabric. Sure it catches the eye, but does it help the design?  Bora Asku’s Fall 2010 collection forced viewers to make that determination again and again. Continue reading “Bora Aksu – Fall 2010 – London”

Sado – Fall 2010 – London

Carlotta Gherzi’s aesthetic is certainly comprised of modern elements. Her cuts, tailoring, and treatments are non traditional and uncommon. Yet her looks never appear ludicrous nor are they of the type that require a dresser to help you wear them.

story by Seth Friedermann
photos by Freda Henry

Carlotta Gherzi’s aesthetic is certainly comprised of modern elements. Her cuts, tailoring, and treatments are non traditional and uncommon. Yet her looks never appear ludicrous nor are they of the type that require a dresser to help you wear them. Continue reading “Sado – Fall 2010 – London”

Doii Paris – Fall 2010 – London

Doii’s love is obviously for prints and patterns, but it’s her romantic and fantastical color palette, and her ability to use great amounts of softly contrasting colors without making her work look busy or garish, that takes those prints and patterns to the level of art.

story by Seth Friedermann
photos by Freda Henry

The fashion media has a perverse sense of time. They will label a designer or label as “emerging” or a “bright young star” when they’ve been visible on a national or international level for many seasons. Doii Lee has been a known commodity in many circles since she left Kenzo in 2005 to pursue her own label. The reason her designs will catch your eye is a simple but scarce ingredient; her clothes don’t look like anybody else’s. Continue reading “Doii Paris – Fall 2010 – London”

Horace – Esprit de Corps – Fall 2010 – London

A combination of many of the concepts and constructions that have become part of the British fashion scene in the past two decades.

story by Seth Friedermann
photos by Freda Henry

Inside of any artistic movement there comes a time where what was once “futuristic” shifts to ”modern” or the even more diluted “contemporary.” This often causes the artist to be viewed as less “visionary” or “innovative” which is insipid thinking because the artist is simply being who they’ve always been and their art is continuing to evolve organically. The fashions that have been coming out of England for the past 15 to 20 years have been amongst the most inventive and daring on Earth. Eventually though the techniques and treatments that create the styles become entrenched and the pace of innovation cools. Continue reading “Horace – Esprit de Corps – Fall 2010 – London”

Caroline Charles – Fall 2010 – London

Caroline Charles is in many ways very much a designer with her roots in the British “mod” movement of the mid 60s . Yet, as Britain has become increasingly culturally diverse, so has Mrs.Charles. Her resulting Fall 2010 collection is a rich tapestry that represents the fashion heritage of many cultures that now call England home.

story by Seth Friedermann
photos by Wolfgang Wöhrle and Freda Henry
photo editing by Freda Henry

Caroline Charles is in many ways very much a designer with her roots in the British “mod” movement of the mid 60s . Yet, as Britain has become increasingly culturally diverse, so has Mrs.Charles. Her resulting Fall 2010 collection is a rich tapestry that represents the fashion heritage of many cultures that now call England home. Continue reading “Caroline Charles – Fall 2010 – London”

Bulletproof – A Photo Editorial

Tal came away from shooting the Marlon Gobel show during New York Fashion Week (Fall 2010 collections) with a fascination. Marlon Gobel makes bulletproof clothing. Here is a photo editorial she shot in response to that idea.

photos by Tal Shpantzer
production by Obscure Object Films & talfoto
models are Stephanie Passavant and Alex Geerman from Major
hair and makeup by Masha Gvozdov

Tal came away from shooting the Marlon Gobel show during New York Fashion Week (Fall 2010 collections) with a fascination. Marlon Gobel makes bulletproof clothing. Here is a photo editorial she shot in response to that idea.

Continue reading “Bulletproof – A Photo Editorial”

Egyptian Queen – A Photo Editorial

This is the first beauty or jewelry editorial we’ve run. Very special thanks to Elizabeth Waugh for such beautiful images.

photos by Elizabeth Waugh
fashion stylist Pamela Shepard
makeup by Jessica Ross
hair by Erik Hinczak
manicurist Donna Michelle Alonzia
photographers’s assistant Ashley Hardiman
fashion stylist’s assistant Stephanie Guzman
model is Mia from Trump Model Management

This is the first beauty or jewelry editorial we’ve run. Very special thanks to Elizabeth Waugh for such beautiful images.

Continue reading “Egyptian Queen – A Photo Editorial”

Vassilios Kostetsos – Fall 2010 – New York

Vassilios Kostetsos took inspiration from Antigony for Fall 2010. This particular collection showed the great amount of time, energy, dedication, and devotion that went into Kostetsos’ overall passion and idea.

story by Alexandra Dawes
photos by Adrianna Favero

Greek designer Vassilios Kostetsos presented “Eros Anikate Mahan” for Fall 2010.  His inspiration for this collection reportedly came from Sophocies’ 442 BC tragedy Antigone.

Continue reading “Vassilios Kostetsos – Fall 2010 – New York”